Huge amounts of impartial scientific evidence now make it abundantly clear that homosexuality is not biologically hard-wired and that change is possible. The burden of proof now lies on those who advocate homosexuality is biologically imprinted.
Sexuality is fluid. The brain is plastic. There are now more people alive today who used to be gay than there are practising gay people.
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6th (revised) edition (January 2023 )
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My Genes Made me do It! was first published in 2000 in the USA. It has been kept up to date and the years since have only strengthened the book's conclusions. Over 10,000 scientific papers and publications were consulted in the writing. It is accessible to the average reader.
It is possibly the most comprehensive treatment of science and homosexuality you will find anywhere. The book has been translated into seven other languages, including Mandarin, Arabic and Turkish.
Many of these subjects and papers are extra to those addressed in the book
Politically, transsexuality is now where homosexual activism was in the 1980s and 1990s.There is nothing biologically fixed or determined about homosexuality or transsexuality, but transsexual activists are now using the same arguments gay rights campaigners were using in the eighties and nineties, viz.,transsexuals are a minority that needs protections on the basis of an intrinsic condition. Transsexual activists are attempting to attribute their gender dysphoria to innate differences stemming from brain microstructure, hormones, genes and other biological factors but mainly, simply their innate belief that they were born in the wrong body. Medical, mental health professions, and all Western international and national bodies will be under assault to make policy commitments to this ideology. As gay activism has successfully done, they will try to ban attempts to resolve gender dysphoria by any means other than supporting the patient's gender preference. They will want the state to pay for sex reassigment surgery.
The same arguments against the biologically instrinsic nature of homosexuality that appear in My Genes Made Me Do It, and on this website, also apply to transsexuality. Though it is not the brief of this site to discuss transsexuality, the material here will be helpful to open-minded students of the subject. Hit the button below for transsexuality papers on this site.